I know, "A WHAT DAD?"
My office looks something like this:
Actually it isn't that neat.
The router is actually on the wall behind the Vista PC. and the Canon and FD printers set beside their respective computers. The laser printer is under the desk between the Vista computer and the laptop. I actually set in the middle of the U-shaped desk about where the router is in the diagram. Anyway, we have been talking about a computer for the shop, but I hate to put a lot of money into one there because of the hostile to PC environment.
I saw a computer listed for sale on a bulletin board ( a real physical cork bulletin board!). Said it was an Xp computer with desk for $70. I stopped and talked to them and they said the desk was worth $35 and the computer was worth $35. They said it wasn't any good for the internet because there was no modem in it. I could take either or both. included monitor, keyboard, and mouse. I didn't haggle. Never even plugged it in. Didn't know what I had but I felt like taking a risk so I spent my $35 on a shot in the dark.
It did have an ethernet card in it, though.
Turns out it is a Dell Pentium 4 with Xp Pro. Includes Word and Works and a few other programs. Not a great computer but it will be adequate for our intended use. I spent more on the wireless card than I gave for the computer.
Right now it is setting on the desk playing with itself.
I couldn't find any anti-virus software on it.
They had not updated any software on it.
I purged some files and software. All the Barbie programs that required a CD to operate are gone. So are the resume's and softball schedules and rosters they left on it. I copied the photos left on it to a flash drive and used another computer to burn them to a CD for the previous owner's.
If I had the original disks I'd have reformatted and reloaded.
I've run Malwarebytes and removed 30+ varmits. I'm running SpyBot S&D. I tried running AdAware but because they had not installed SP2 it would not load. So once I get it cleaned up I'm going to try Microsoft's new security software on it. And hopefully SP2 and 3.
If my time was worth anything I gave too much for it.