Aman and I have been trying to get some tractors ready for the tractor drive Saturday. I have promised a couple people a tractor to drive if they showed up. Kind of looks like they won't be able to, which may be just as well.
Since I am the first owner outside the Strohm family, I had this wild idea in the back of my mind to get the 3010 all fixed up and talk one of the Strohm family into driving it. It was running well, Aman and I replaced the generator and oil pressure indicator lights, put the hood on fired it up to make sure they worked, turned it off ... and that was the last time it ran.
We dragged (literally) the H and M out of Gramp's barn. They hadn't been started in probably a year. Aman aired the tires up, I put new batteries in them and the H fired right off. The M was a bit more contrary. I drained the gas out, (I threw a bucket full in the driveway and lit matches would not set it off. I finally held a butane grill lighter to it to get the old rotten gas to burn.) Aman replaced the plugs, nothing seemed to work. I told Aman "Dad's first words were always 'It's the points'" so we pulled the cap and rotor off and looked at them. Seemed to be OK. But as I went to replace the rotor I noticed it was rusty. I took it to the steel brush wheel and polished it up. Put it together and she fired right up.
I've washed and cleaned and degreased and cleaned ... didn't get so nuts as to wax anything ... the H and M. We got to looking, the H has been run 3 hours since 2007.
Aman brought his B John Deere down,
I jumped on the M,
and we took them to Husi's to be closer to the park Saturday morning. Later we took the H down just in case someone else wanted a tractor to drive. I considered taking Baby (the little 4 wheel drive tractor) but it has duals all around and might be difficult on a tractor drive. But if it is cold Saturday morning I might change my mind.