Since my comments Tuesday we cut a 10 X 3 ft hole in the living room floor and tore off Aman and Becky's roof. I suppose that requires a bit of explanation.Tuesday Becky and the boys were here and noticed a gap between the baseboard along the west living room wall and the floor. The floor had settled. Well, Grandma found this to be a problem. So we peeled back the carpet and looked at it. Yep, it had settled. Wednesday morning we cut a hole in the floor to look at the floor joists. It appears the wall between the porch and the house leaks a little water when it rains in on the porch and the ends of 9 beams had rotted. So we cut a bigger hole and started repairs. We had to put a cross brace in, jack the joists up, put permanent jacks under it, then cut almost 3 ft long pieces of treated 2 X 6's and bolted to the end of the joists to set on the concrete plate along the wall. Then we had to replace the flooring. Shot one full day. Future project plans will include what to do about the porch. I fear construction is not yet finished.Thursday we tore off the west side of the roof of Aman and Becky's house because it had suffered wind damage and was leaking. With Robert Ledermann's help we got the old roof off and tar paper on. Finished up just at dark. Friday Aman and I started laying shingles. Jim Turner came to help, which was good because shortly after he got there I had to meet with an equipment salesman to finalize some paperwork. Then I had another meeting to attend. And while I was in the meeting the carpet layers came to restretch and install the carpet.I finally got back to the roof to find Robert had returned. We finished up about 4:00BIG thanks to Robert and Jim for their help. But the old guy was ready for his recliner Friday evening.
And so far today I have installed a replacement medicine cabinet door, put together an RTA wall cabinet and installed it, and tried installing some child locks on the kitchen cabinets. Tried is the operative word. Couldn't get them to work with our cabinets.How has YOUR week been?
Maybe I should pause here and explain a few things going on to those who may not be aware. I've been an elder in my church for 9 years. I can think of no greater honor or higher responsibility. We choose elders for 3 year term, and they must get an 80% approval vote by the congregation to take office. Yes, that is a fairly high standard. This election I failed to get 80%.
That was mid-November. The Sunday following Thanksgiving the elders voted to ask the Preacher for his resignation. I was out of town for Thanksgiving and was unable to make it back in time for the meeting. Last night the board voted to accept his resignation.
There are a lot of hurt people in our church right now. Lots of misunderstandings. And it has caused me to set back and kind of reflect on things and go through some of what I've written since taking the office of elder. 9 years ... it really does not seem that long.
Here is a communion meditation I used 4-29-99:
I read a magazine article this week that had one sentence that really jumped out and grabbed me. The March/April Christian Reader had an article titled “House Fire!” It was written by a lady in Tennessee about a tragedy that struck their family about 25 years ago. Their house caught fire in the middle of the night. Both parents were injured trying to rescue their children. They lost one child in the blaze.
Let me quote one paragraph, written in her own words: ”I stayed in the hospital eight days and had eight units of blood. Not one church member as I recall visited me. An unbelieving friend of mine come by the hospital to sit with me while the family all went to the funeral.”
That one sentence, “Not one church member as I recall visited me.” Has really hit a soft spot the last couple days. As I looked over the prayer list from last week I saw 5 people in the hospital. I saw eight more in nursing homes. I didn’t count the “Family and Friends” list. How many of these could say not one church member visited me?
We had at least two folks in the congregation in the hospital this week. One had heart catheterization, another had surgery. How many of these could say not one church member visited me?
We have elderly folks who have trouble getting around the house. Not just getting to church, but getting to the kitchen table at times. How many of these could say not one church member visited me?
Before somebody thinks I am getting boastful of what I have done, I have to admit I didn’t go either. But that doesn’t make it right.
We have a nice building. We have a missions program that is fantastic for a church this size. We just had a great Ladies Night. Folks, it doesn’t mean a thing if we lose sight of the basics.
In Matthew chapter 22 Jesus was asked, "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?"
Jesus replied: " `Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: `Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."
We can’t let our successes and our programs get in the way on the basics, Loving God and each other. This is one of the reasons we partake in the Lord’s Supper, or communion, every week
Communion is basic . The why of communion has not changed over the centuries, and will not change. The bread is to remind us of Jesus body, the juice is to remind us of his blood. We take part in this ceremony to remember, to honor, Jesus and His sacrifice for us. We do it in remembrance of Him. Let us also love each other, in remembrance of Him.