Friday, March 29, 2013

Another Milestone

If you call me on the phone right now you will probably find I have difficulty talking.  Becky posted on Facebook:
"Guess whose Tummy Tube is out thanks to Dr. Davis! I am so happy!!!! David is now TUBE FREE!"
 Oh WOW! That's enough to cause PaPaw to cloud up and get teary eyed. It's been a long time from this point
to this photo almost exactly 8 years ago I titled "no oxygen"  It was dated 3/27/2005
A lot of people have helped David along the way
 I couldn't even begin to name them all
 It's been a wild ride
 We've celebrated every triumph
 David has had a lot of support from friends
 And he has developed his own style
 But it has all been done with family
Sorry, I'm having trouble seeing the keyboard.

There is still a long road ahead, and David is going to face a few challenges the rest of us don't even think about.  And I hope Adam never feels left out because David needed some extra attention.

It may not be as big a step as it seems to me.  But taking out the tube to David's Grandpa seems like a victory worth celebrating


kris gillaspy said...

Definitely a reason to tear up and celebrate! So glad for him and family:) Praise God for His healing and loving hands through others. - Kris Gillaspy

Anonymous said...

What a joy for all to celebrate! -Joey Rogers

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