I seem to be getting good at this lately. Last month I had the phone call the widow whose husband died several months earlier (for more see http://www.christianchurchtoday.com/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=4573)
Sunday I visited with a member after church that had requested prayers a couple weeks ago for a friend with medical problems. I hadn't had the opportunity to talk with him since then. His response to my asking how his friend was doing was "Ummm. He died"
More total silence, except there wasn't a telephone to hide behind.
I asked on the ChristianChurch Today forums how others handle these open mouth, insert foot situations?
Mike in Montana said: Did you forget to check your crystal ball, that tells you everything that is going on in people's lives again?
He also told me not beat myself up too badly. Wayne in West Virginia said: What else can you do brother?
"I'm so sorry, I wasn't aware of that."
You could still offer any assistance to them...they are, no doubt, still grieving.
Whatever you do, do not use this line:
"Well, we all gotta go sometime."
I just can't (don't want to) picture you with BOTH feet in there.
Well, give me time ...
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