Friday, June 27, 2008

The perfect is the enemy of the good

Jill posted something on her blog that hit me "I'm lazy. And because I'm a perfectionist." A lot of people don't realize that is why many people don't get things done. I for example, am a closet perfectionist. (I keep it hid pretty well) One of the ways it manifests itself is I tend to put things off until I can do them "right" I hate starting and them stopping and then starting and eventually finishing. The downside is I tend to put things off until I "have time" and they don't get get done.

I have a framed quote on the wall from Eugenio Najera, President of Seminis Vegetable Seeds. I have no idea who he is, but the quote is a reminder to me

We have a saying in Spanish-
El perfecto es enemigo de lo bueno

The perfect is the enemy of the good

If you are waiting for something to be perfect, you are wasting time.
You will never be perfect, so don't wait.
Implement practicality, maybe not at 100% perfection, but something like 80% is good enough

I need reminded of that at times. My typing sometimes looks like it.

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