Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sorry I've been away ...

well, not really away, I've been here. It is just my ISP has been ... less than responsive. The 19th sometime mid-day they made a change in their system, but forgot that necessitated a change in my equipment. I left a message on their voice mail Thursday night. It was Monday before someone had a "V-8 moment" and realized I was off-line. They Monday fix didn't work. It was Tuesday afternoon before we were up and running properly.

I had stopped by a friend's Sunday and checked my email, dumped a lot of spam. When I got home Tuesday I only had to download 57 new messages. So I've been a little slow about a new blog entry.

Anyway, here are some photographs showing one of the places I have been this week

Now, that MIGHT tell you something if you know where you are looking. Maybe this will help? (hint, it is on top of Grandpa Neal's barn) Notice I am looking down at it?
OK, the first one was looking east, the second was looking west. Here is where I was looking down.
Aman said it was my turn to get in the bucket. I was fastening down sheet metal on the roof. I forgot the camera but at least I had my phone.

Anyway, we are hoping to cut wheat this week. Tried a couple fields, but they were too wet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say hey Mike....Hang in there
God will not be glorified by I feel/want statements...
The Body of Believers was bought with BLOOD not feelings....
God used us for HIS purpose not ~~~Mans~~~
He closed WU and opened the next mission for us...

WE pray diligently for WU
GREAT to hear David is taking Steps....Praise the LORD...God has a plan for each and every one of US
Our job is to follow after HIM with all our Heart, Mind and Soul....
God is BLESSING us here in Greenwich
Love ya,
God's KID 4-evr

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