Saturday, September 27, 2008

OK, so odd things interest me

BOY! this site is slow and sluggish this evening. I just about fell asleep waiting on it to load...oh yeah, id that earlier this week. Chair fell over backwards on my trash can, cut and bruised my hand, woke Sue up!

Anyway, here are qa couple shots of a big anthill I found in Gramp's yard.

It is about 3" high and 3" across.
Never saw any ants, though.

Did see some birds this week. Those white spots are long-legged white cranes setting in the trees.

This is about 600 feet away, which is about as close as I can get to them.

Got Lyman's pump house replaced this week
We have almost caught up with the dry soybeans. Becky has some photos on her web site.

1 comment:

Adam Gonnerman said...

It looks like we're further into Fall here in NJ than you are in IL. The leaves are still on the trees, but they are looking like they'll start turning any day. My garden, with the exception of the squash I planted VERY late, is all brown already.

I looked at a lot of anthills in my childhood, by the way, and think I'd probably stoop to inspect that one you found if I came across it now.

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