Sunday, May 9, 2010

Just playing around

I keep finding things blogspot can do I haven't tried yet.  I'm supposed to be able to work up an entry and schedule when it is published.  So I'm doing this Sunday evening and going to try and schedule it for Monday.
edit: well THAT didn't work. If it shows up posted twice I'll have learned even more!
 Now I suppose I need to say something worth all that effort.

Mother's Day was (in my opinion) pretty good around here.  We started out Friday afternoon with Jill coming home from Tennessee without telling her folks.  She DID tell Becky, and (WONDER OF WONDERS) Becky didn't let the cat out of the bag.  You have to understand, Becky has a terrible time keeping surprises secret.  Even if she is trying you can look at her and it's like a volcano is trying not to erupt.

After church Sunday Sue, Jill, Mom and I ate at Chilton's.  Later in the afternoon I helped Sue plant a bunch of plants she ordered online.
Notice the hat.  It was a Mother's Day present from Jim.  (Actually it's why I chose this photo.  It was the best shot of the hat). We were just finishing when Aman, Becky and the boys arrived.  They were a big help watering the plants.

It is interesting how Adam's memory works at times.  We were setting on the back step talking while Sue finished watering the plants.  Adam insisted I had to get up off the storage box so he could get the "crayons".  Last summer Sue had stored sidewalk chalk in the box on the step.  She took it inside last fall.  Today Adam remembered it. So we had to go find the "crayons" so he and Aunt Jill could draw.
I was changing a bulb in Jill's taillight when David found Jill's tripod in the trunk.  Nothing doing but he had to use it to take pictures.  I guess he was remembering school pictures, because he would take off his glasses and pretend to look through the view finder.
Jill made supper for us.  It was a pretty good day.

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