Saturday, May 8, 2010


Momma's not happy with me.  Not my Momma, nor my kid's Momma.  Actually she may not be a Momma yet.  I was disking a field just north of town today next to "Shawler Pond".  Pond might be generous.  It's a naturally occurring low spot that has water in it most of the year.  Anyway, I'm going around the field leveling the end rows when I look down and go "WHAT ?" at the same time I hit the clutch and stop.  By the time I get stopped, right under the middle of the tractor is this:
I can hear you going "Yeah ... so?"  Maybe it makes more sense if you see what was leaving the scene quickly

Yep, snapping turtle.  And she was not pleased with me.  She had ventured out of the pond into the field to lay eggs.  I guess it is normal.  So normal I didn't see at least 2 more before it was too late.   It's kind of surprising how far they travel to lay their eggs. Working the fields next to the pond in the Spring it is common to see tracks, but you rarely see the turtles.

I know, I should have grabbed them and made turtle soup.  But I didn't figure they would enjoy riding in the tractor cab with me.


Sarah said...

I really enjoy your blogs Mike!

Poor momma snapping turtle should know that nothing stands in the way of a farmer and his field! ;)

Sarah Tharp

Anonymous said...

My SIL hit a turkey setting on eggs while he was cutting hay yesterday. He didn't get stopped in time. Linda

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