Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sue and I finally did it ...

Yes, Sue and I finally did it .. we joined an organization together.

We have talked about it for a long time.  To be honest, our only limitation has been adding another item to our schedule.  But sometimes it boils down to "If you aren't part of the solution you are part of the problem."

The problem is we are among the younger members of the local organization ... possibly of the national organization.  I keep hearing how the younger generation is more "socially conscious".  Perhaps, but it seems to me the younger generation is also less community involved.

I told someone once part of the community's problem is the Deans and Dicks are dying and not being replaced.  Not "The Dean" as a position, but Dean as in Dean Strohm and Dean Monk and even Dean Clatfelter (even  as eccentric as he was). Dick as in Richard Strohm, Richard Chapman, Richard Cline ... and my Dad.

Nobody is stepping up to take their place.  Our community is suffering because of it.

So I can be part of the problem or part of the solution.

What about you?


Big Sis said...

Perhaps the younger generation being more socially active and part of the solution does not mean they have to operate in the same old ways that haven't fixed any of the problems, yet?
Don't hate on the younger folks just because they see things a different way, would be my point.

Mike Bumpus said...

But by the same token the younger folks should not discount the "old ways" just because they are old.

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