Sunday, October 4, 2009

nothing profound to share

It's going to be a long fall. As I mentioned on the farm site (www.BumpusFarms.US) it had been a start and stop, get ready and wait fall so far and will probably continue that way. Our driest corn is 28% (15.5% is where you want it). We have cut the dry milo, what is left is over 23% (you want 14% with it). We've cut nearly 200 acres of beans, but are at the point of having 5 acres of dry beans in the middle of 40 acres of replanted beans and everything else is green. Wheat planting should start this week ... all day of it.

I don't feel very profound. I should be outside doing something on a beautiful day but had to get the minutes together for the church board meeting tonight and got to updating web sites and blogs.

The church web site is current again (
The farm web site/blog is current (www.Bumpusfarms.US)
the West union start page is current (
and once I hit Publish this blog will be current.

Think I'll go for a 4 wheeler ride on my new seed corn Polaris. Some companies just give out hats and jackets.

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