Friday, October 28, 2011

Odd wonderings ...

I see Union Hospital is having a a free dinner and presentation  about living with diabetes including learning about effective self-management, developing a balanced, healthy lifestyle and overcoming fears surrounding diabetes.   I always wonder about odd things, like will the menu be "diabetic friendly"?


Union Hospital’s Diabetes Education Center will observe Diabetes Awareness Month with activities.

The public is invited to a free dinner and presentation titled “Taking Control with Curtis Story” on Nov. 7. Story is a member of the sanofi-aventis A1C Champions Program, which is a patient led approach to diabetes education. He will share his personal experience about living with diabetes including learning about effective self-management, developing a balanced, healthy lifestyle and overcoming fears surrounding diabetes. The event will be at the Landsbaum Center for Health Education on Union Hospital’s campus at 1433 N. 61⁄2 St., in Terre Haute and starts at 5:30 p.m. with an opportunity to meet vendors. Dinner will be served at 6 p.m. and speaker presentations begin at 6:15 p.m. Call the Diabetes Education Center at (812) 238-7577 to reserve a seat.

On Nov. 15, the center will offer a pre-diabetes class from 6 to 9 p.m. in the Union Hospital Professional Office Building, Suite 503, 1530 N. Seventh St. The class is designed for people who have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, metabolic syndrome or insulin resistance. The cost is $40 and will include a personalized meal plan, physical activity guide, glucose monitor, complication awareness, healthcare resource information and more. Call (812) 238-7577 to register. Low-income assistance is available.

I guess $40 isn't too bad for that if they include a monitor.  I'm kind of like a friend.  He has trouble trusting most of the nutritionists he sees because they seem to  usually be overweight.

Union also has its Annual Spirituality and Health Conference coming up. I'm kind of going "Umm... O  K ...."  I guess Union Hospital’s Chaplain’s Office is hosting its for care givers to provide support in individuals’ personal grief experiences.  It just sounds odd for the hospital to be offering.

I found Jim a trail to go walking on.

Not really.  I don't think his Mom could handle thinking about him doing it.  See  I'm kind of like Mrs B from SE Iowa, "Who in the dickens built it, and how???? "  There is an article I just found at, but I haven't had time to read it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would agree with Sue I sure wouldnt want one of my kids climbing that trail even tho as kids we did things that I cringe at thinking my kids would do.

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