Monday, February 1, 2010


100 ... Odd title for a post.  I hope it is a good sign.  I've been not paying attention to my diet as well as I should.  By diet I don't mean a short weight loss diet, but rather my chosen lifestyle and choice of food I consume.

When I was watching extremely close I got my weight down under 170 pounds.  I'm not trying to do that, but I am trying to get my blood sugar under better control ... which for me means lose weight.

100 is significant because this morning was the first time I have tested at or under 100 first thing in the morning for months.  It is only the second time since before Christmas I have tested at or under 100 at any time of day.  December 28 I tested 91 at noon then bounced to nearly 200 by evening.

So I am hoping this is a way to start a new month.

I started tracking what I eat and how many carbs again .. I hate doing that.  But it forces you to pay better attention.  I haven't started carrying a notebook in my pocket and haven't been watching fats any, just carbs.  I guess if I'm going to get really serious i need to do that as well.  You can't count fats and eat at Burger King, Hardees's, McDonalds ... or about any pizza place.  Well, you can but it sure doesn't make a buffet profitable to spend money on.


The Morgan Family said...

Proud of you Dad. Sounds like things are going in the right direction.

Big Sis said...

I know a woman near you who might should follow the same diet. Just sayin'. Anonymously.

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