Thursday, February 11, 2010

It snowed ..

OK, so compared to the Northeast it isn't much. I mean, the airports are shut down, the government is not working (No, that's too easy a shot),  it will probably take a Federal bailout (OK, 2 easy shots in a row).  But it was actually winter here this week.  White covered everything, blowing snow, schools shut down, Marshall American Legion even canceled bowling leagues!

It was the first time in a long time there was a big drift east of Gramp's house.  Seems like when I was a kid that was a normal winter condition.

So what else has been going on this month?  Just February.  Moved a little corn, did a little shop work, worked on taxes, Mom went to Chicago ... What? You missed that?  A friend of Mom's had some meetings to attend and the person who was going to go with her couldn't make it.  So Mom went.  I've not talked with her since the earthquake Wednesday morning.

Anyway, I better head for bed.  I need to get my sleeping schedule under control.  Later Y'all

1 comment:

Adam Gonnerman said...

Hey, it's been a while but I came across your blog again after a long time because of two notices I received of new comments on old posts. They look like Asian spam comments, btw.

It is pretty bad here in the northeast. My kids will have no school due to snow from yesterday (Wednesday) through Friday, and they have Monday off for Presidents Day.

We went sledding and built a snow man yesterday. I can't remember the last time I'd done either in the midst of a snow storm.

All the best.

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