Thursday, February 11, 2010

135 .. 1 3 5 !!

Arghhh!  I guess I'm going to have to start tracking fats as well.  I REALLY hate tracking everything, it is just an absolute pain.  I've not been totally diligent about my carbs, but I haven't been too far off.  But the last 3 days my glucose has been rising .. steadily rising.  Gotta run, the boys just walked in.

OK, I'm back. Got my typos corrected. Sue wasn't back from her walk yet and Adam is staying with G'ma while David visits therapy and the Dentist. BTW, Howdy Adam G!  I was wondering what you were up to the other day. 
(For the rest of you that are going "Who?" see yesterdays comments.  I met Adam during a pulpit search a few years ago.  Someday we might even meet in person)

Where was I?

Oh yeah, writing it all down.Way back when all this started I was on a strict low carb low fat diet.  16 servings of carbs a day, 4 servings of fat.  How strict is that? We went to Subway last night and I had a 6" Italian BMT on wheat with "just a little" light mayonnaise. 
(photo from

The sandwich alone had 48 grams of carbs, 20 grams of fat. The light mayo added 1-2 grams of carbs plus 5-10 grams of fat.  So 50 grams of carbs and 30 grams of fat.

Oh, I didn't explain a serving?
1 serving of carbs is 15 grams,
1 serving of fat is 5 grams.

So my 6" Italian BMT was 3 1/3 servings of carbs ... not too bad.   Ummm... but it was also 6 servings of fat.  ALL the fat for a day and a half.

Counting carbs is easy.  Fats are a pain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Mike . . .

I haven't read your home or farm updates for a long time now. Got called back to full-time work in September and spent 5 months on the 8-5 (and sometimes more).

I saw your tag on my blog today and thought, "What's Mike been up to?" I love reading your farm reports and other stuff associated with the farm. And I'm not overlookin' the grandkids either.

Sounds like you've had a typical "farmer's winter". I remember some of those days back in Kansas. I had three uncles with farms and was cheap labor for them on weekends and summer.

I still think you look like my brother.


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