Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Its VBS Week!

It's VBS Week!  I know, for some folks that doesn't mean much.  My kids are all going "Ohhhh..."  Because they know what VBS Week means around our house.  Maybe I better pause and explain what VBS is.

VBS is an acronym for Vacation Bible School.  In our case in means a little church that has trouble getting over 100 people there on any given Sunday has special gatherings every evening for a week bringing in 60 to maybe 100 kids 6th grade and under.  Tonight was a little slow, only had 60 kids.  15 were in the 1st-3rd grade group.  We had probably twice that in the group younger than 1st grade.  I took some photos ...

No, that isn't out of focus.  It's just hard to find a kid setting still long enough to get their picture.  There is one time you MAY have a chance ...  

Sue and I have always been actively involved in VBS.  The only time I haven't been involved was when it was held in June.  I've not asked lately, but we used to folks in church who took the week off as vacation time. I do know we have people who scheduled their vacation to be AFTER VBS.  Probably a sharp move.

Around our house VBS week means that by the time we get home at night we're exhausted.  And during the day there will inevitably be cookies to bake, craft items to go after,  lesson materials to pick up, something extra to do almost every day.  I'll get started on the farm a bit later than usual, and have to quit a bit earlier.  But maybe a little personal sacrifice is good for the soul?

We have about 40 adults doing things they wouldn't normally do with nearly 100 kids, many of whom never go to church.  There is a level of excitement you don't see in church most of the time.

It is totally exhausting.


On a personal note, I had a message on the answering machine from Darrell Anderson of Successful Farming radio wanting to talk about my blog.  I may be infamous again!  Anyway, I'm going to go crash.  Later Y'all,

Just got off the phone from an interview with Darrell.  He is working on shows for mid-August.  When I get a better idea when it will air I'll let everyone know.

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